
Corner Gas is one of Canada's most popular sit-coms that ran for six seasons between 2004 and 2009. This was followed in 2014 by Corner Gas: The Movie. Now in 2018 we have the all new, record breaking series Corner Gas: Animated. 

Corner Gas Fan Corner is a place for fans old and new to come together and share there favourite moments, characters, actors anything related to the tales from Dog River. 

You will find news, reviews, episode guides and a ton of cheesy jokes! Not only do we have regularly updated cast and crew biographies but we will also be catching up with the shows creative team with exclusive interviews and news of all their latest projects. 

We would love to hear from you. Let us know your Corner Gas memories or any questions you may have about the show. Send in your stories, art, music - anything you like and want to share with other Corner Gas fans all over the world. There are links on our contact page if you would like to get in touch. 

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  1. Hey Jackass stop talking to this old wingnut and pump my gas....greatest comedy ever! Even better than Sienfeld.

  2. I'm a life-long (so far at least) fan of great comedy. The title of the show made me curious to learn something about the subject matter, since gas does not contain itself to a corner(on this planet.) I found S1E1 on YT and was instantly smitten by the excellent writing and characters. I've binge-watched all the episodes a dozen or so times just because it works soooo well.

    I will admit to relating closely with Oscar Leroy, but remember 40 years ago being a pale sort of Brent.

    Just glad to have learned about this blog on Brent's YT Q&A.

    Thanks for making this, if ever a show merited a fan blog, it's "Corner Gas".


    1. Hi Larry! Thank you for reading glad Brent's shout out helped you find us! Hope you enjoy the posts.
      All the best
      (I am sure you aren't as bad as Oscar!)

  3. Writers try so hard to keep coming up with better more risqué immoral types of material with shock value. I’ve been embarrassed to watch tv! But I found Corner Gas and we’ve been binge watching every night!! Thanks Brent!!

    1. Glad you are enjoying the show! Hope you enjoy the site too, loads more Corner Gas Fan fun to come! Don't forget to click the follow button so you never miss a post.

    2. I couldn't agree more. Great clean humor.

  4. Found Corner Gas on you tube back in 2005, have tees and work shirt and other gear from 2006. Shared my love with family and firefighter friends. Love the Butt Pod where Brent mentioned this site!

    1. Glad you found me here! Thanks for being such a big fan. Hopefully we will be getting some more Buttpod soon!

  5. I found this show on Amazon Prime this summer while I was on medical leave for two months. I started at the first season and watched every episode. I don't know what it is about this series but I really enjoy it. I am watching all the seasons again for the third time! I sure wish they would create more episodes. I do enjoy the animated version too.

  6. Hi Henry

    Amazon is certainly helping the show find lots of new fans! I Thankam glad you are enjoying it. Thank you so much for stopping by my site, keep coming back for lots more fun and exclusives!

  7. Happy New Year from Japan!

    I recently discovered this show while diving through a deep IMDb rabbit hole. I watched every episode of the original show, the movie, and the animated show in almost one giant marathon session.

    I just ordered the books and discovered your blog/podcast. I have really enjoyed all of the information and am thrilled Corner Gas has an online community. Since I live in Japan, there aren't many people around here who know a lot about Canadian television.

    Thank you again!

  8. Best comedy sitcom i have watched in a long time. Love it

  9. Just plain love every episode.

  10. Where can i find a Dog River Police Patch? or A clear up close photo of it?

  11. We need you back. So entertaining

    1. Working on it. I do all my work these days over on our sister Facebook page. Corner Gas Fan Corner: The Group. Come and join us for all the latest news from Dog River. However, plans are for a big change here on the site - it's going to take awhile but keep your eyes peeled. Also one last Season of The Jackass-Cast is in the works.

  12. Get you butt back here.lol

    1. Working on it. I do all my work these days over on our sister Facebook page. Corner Gas Fan Corner: The Group. Come and join us for all the latest news from Dog River. However, plans are for a big change here on the site - it's going to take awhile but keep your eyes peeled. Also one last Season of The Jackass-Cast is in the works.

  13. Me lub corner gasss 4 eva
