A fresh new year is upon us. A chance for a metaphorical new wardrobe. Time to throw away last seasons jacket of lethargy and head scarf of boredom and stride forward in the pantaloons of excitement tucked in the top of the walking boots of enthusiasm.
I haven't written a news column in quite awhile. Weirdly it's because there has been too much going on! 2018 was an extremely exciting one for Corner Gas fans all over the world. As you may know the original six seasons of the series were made available to stream on Amazon Prime Video in more than 60 countries. Here is Brent making the big announcement!
If you want to check if you are living in the vicinity of a television or other viewing device that can now access Corner Gas at the click of an icon the full list is available here.
The question that keeps coming up in my inbox and feeds an awful lot is "When are you going to start using a different deodorant?". Some people are also asking when we may be getting to see the animated show worldwide, also if there will be a home video release of the series both on home turf in Canada and around the globe. The answer is watch this space, there is a team of dedicated admin professionals at Corner Gas HQ working on it as we speak. No definitive answer to both questions just yet, but as soon as the news breaks you will be the first to know. Or one of the first to know, I am sure someone will probably know before you, like me for example. If you hear first please write the post for me and let me know so I can read it.
Not only the series was made available but the Corner Gas Movie also hit the Prime library. Now, admittedly, I have yet to even touch on the movie as a topic here at Fan Corner, not exactly by design. I have been at this mularky for a year or so now and there is still plenty to cover. I will get to it properly in time. However, if you are new to the show you may not be aware that there is in fact a feature length motion picture that takes place five years after the original set of seasons. So, to find it simply search for it in your Amazon Prime App and get ready to chuckle yourself silly for an hour and a half. Initially it was only available (in the U.K at least) to rent or buy from Prime, but I have just checked and it is now included in your Prime subscription as it should be in all regions.
So this wonderful addition to your streaming service should keep everyone happy until the launch of Corner Gas Animated Season 2 later in the new year. As with the first season details on what to expect are limited. Vocal recording sessions continue early in this new year and animation production continues apace at Smiley Guy Studios. Here is a video Brent added to his Buttpod You Tube channel late last year highlighting the final recording session of 2018 in case you missed it.
As you can see the cast are super enthusiastic, word is Season 2 is going to be even funnier than the first! You may want to make sure your health insurance is paid up before watching an episode in case you laugh so hard rupture occurs. You may want to put some money aside for your laundry bill too for the same reason.
Most recently a new voice actor was added to the cast list for season 2. None other than the Canadian Prime Minister himself Justin Trudeau! Following in the footsteps of many other high profile cameos Corner Gas has featured over the years, Mr Trudeau recorded his brief segment in his office with Brent and producer Virginia Thompson on the mic. Brent has mentioned the role is very short, they were in and out of his office in fifteen minutes.
Brent is super busy making the world chuckle. He has just released his latest set of stand up dates for early 2019. Here they are will full venue details with links to ticket sales in case Aunt Maude gave you a few bucks to treat yourself to something nice over Christmas -
Feb.1 – LLOYDMINSTER, SK Gold Horse Casino
Mar.19 – CAMROSE, AB Laughed Performing Arts Centre
Mar.20 – VERNON, BC Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre
Mar.27 SPRUCE GROVE, AB Horizon Stage
Mar.28 – LEDUC, AB MacLab Centre For The Performing Arts
May 23 – DRAYTON VALLEY, AB Eelanor Pickup Arts Centre
We have also been treated to new episodes of The Buttpod. As usual, no spoilers here. Go download the episodes eleven and twelve from your favourite podcast resource or visit www.thebuttpod.com for a listen. Here are a couple of mini bios for the guests Brent speaks to -
Episode 11 - Kevin McDonald
Best known for his work with the ground breaking cult comedy troupe The Kids in the Hall, Kevin McDonald has been a mainstay of the Canadian comedy scene since the late 80's. He has featured in numerous T.V. shows and movies. Many of you will recognize him as the Tax man from the fan favourite season one Corner Gas episode cleverly entitled "Tax Man". Kevin regularly appeared in such popular shows as Ellen, That 70's Show and Seinfeld. He is also a prolific voice actor featuring in animated classics such as Lilo and Stich as Agent Pleakley, Invader Zim and Clerks: The Animated Series. He has picked up a raft of awards over the years including Gemini Awards for best writing and performance. He also makes for a very excitable Podcast guest.
Episode 12 - Paul Bae
Paul has had huge success in the world of Podcasting. At the forefront of audio drama podcasts, he is the executive producer and writer of The Big Loop, he is also the co-creator and co-producer of the breakthrough hit The Black Tapes. The series are dark, comedic dramas in the vein of Netflix series The Black Mirror or The BBCs Door Number Nine. Before this he was a high school English teacher who once had Justin Trudeau as a substitute! He has also been a stand up comedian, a TV host and an evangelical youth pastor.
Look at the length of this post! I have only covered Brent's latest. I think we are in for the long haul people. Go get a drink and some chips. I'll wait here.....
.....got them? Got your comfy cushion in the right place? Good - let's crack on.

In the world of strange coincidences of a coincidental nature, your favourite on screen duo Lorne Cardinal and Tara Spencer-Nairn, aka Davis Quinton and Karen Pelly - Dog Rivers crack crime fighting squad, share the same birthday! They both celebrated on 6th January. Corner Gas Fan Corner wishes them both the very best of wishes. How they had time to fit in another birthday I have no idea, as they are both busy bees at the moment.
No doubt many of you had your children writing vast lists of demands to Santa over Christmas. One of those demands was no doubt for the latest video game, Starlink. To win this game you have to empty your wallet as quickly as possible by buying little individual bits of plastic spaceship that link together in various ways to allow you to progress through the levels on the software (sold separately). The first parent to file for bankruptcy wins. If you invested in this game you may be a little more inclined to play it with the kids when you discover Tara supplied the voices for some of the games characters. Unfortunately you will have to listen hard to the characters in the game to spot Tara. Specifics are not listed on the net other than she provided "additional voices" and I am sure the dynamic of the game play is all the better for it.
How Mr. Cardinal finds time to sit down and rest his tootsies I will never know. He has been seen on your t.v. screens an awful lot of the the last few weeks.
You may remember just over a year ago I reported that t.v. movie Wynter was in production, starring Lorne, details were sparse at the time. There were some great pictures of the great man on set as filming took place in Winnipeg. The hour long action drama is the story of a street nurse, the titular Wynter, who is destined to protect the earth against the evil race known as Tricksters. Wynter is half human, half Trickster her father being Gabe a malevolent Trickster played by Lorne. Gabe has been in Trickster prison for 28 years for defying the Trickster code by impregnating a human woman. His boss Coyote made him a deal, be released from prison is he tricks his daughter into using her dormant powers to open a portal into her world and allow the Tricksters to enter her realm and begin their plans to take over the earth.
I am really looking forward to seeing this show. Check out the amazing trailer on the APTN face book page here. It is fantastic to see Lorne in bad guy mode, as he eats up the scenery in the trailer for the show. His menacing side is a hundred miles away from the sweet charm of Davis out lovable hapless policeman. This episode is intended as a pilot, with the hope of going to series creator, Mike Gosselin has wight further episodes already written and ready to go. I will keep you up to date with any developments.
Tin Star is a new series starring fellow Brit Tim Roth. It follows the former Reservoir Dog as Jim Worth, new chief of police in the sleepy town of Little Big Bear. The arrival of a big oil company promising big money to the area brings a sudden influx of migrant oil works and rise in crime and violence coming with it. The show has been extremely popular and is about to start its second season. Lorne can be seen in law enforcement mode in episode seven of season one, "Exposure", as Officer Lightfoot. I could encapsulate the episode here for you but I suggest you go and have a watch of this intense drama and keep an eye out for Lorne or will all be here reading until Season 3 premieres.
Gabrielle Miller recently starred in drama "Rabbit" that premiered recently at the Edmonton Film Festival. The movie has received excellent reviews and is suggested to be a possible award winner, particularly for writer/director Jesse James Miller. A brooding tale of Michael Kelly who is sent for by his father to return to his small home town to help find his missing brother. As Michael searches for clues as to his brothers whereabouts he discovers the dark secrets that have been left behind and is forced to make the hardest decision of his life. Gabrielle plays Michael's old friend Trudy who is on hand to help with the hunt. One to watch out for, more details on it's release to come in later posts.
Fred Ewanuick has a new movie slated for an August 2019 release. In "Thirty-Seventeen" Fred plays Greg an old classmate of billionaire, software mogul Adam Vine (played by Michael Coleman). Adam has everything he could ever wish for, except good memories of his time at High School. When he begrudgingly attends a twenty year reunion Adam offers his entire grad class a years salary to attend just one more month of twelfth grade. The movie is in post production at the moment and as soon as the trailer hits you will be able to find links here at Fan Corner.
Finally. As usual I am always on the look out for submissions of fan art, stories, photos - any Corner Gas creations you may have made and wish to share with the world. Some time ago I was sent this awesome Corner Gas Animated drawing created by Katrina Gilbert Bernard. I received it from her mum Sharon who is a super keen Corner Gas fan. Her whole family are big fans as can be witnessed by this awesome drawing! Thank you Katrina, this is so good I am sure your future work will be displayed in galleries all over the world!
Well that's pretty much it for this month. I will let you get up and move about a bit, I'd imagine you'd have lost all the feeling from your legs by now. Please don't bring legal actions against me if you get up, fall over and spill your coffee all over the new mohair rug.
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