Friday 2 December 2022

The Officially Unofficial Corner Gas Interactive Advent Calendar 2022

That's right folks, that time has rolled round once again! 

Get out your egg nog, slap on an ugly sweater and polish up Grandma's best dentures. IT'S CHRIIIIIISTMAAAAAAAASSS!!!

It's been quite a year and we all need a little bit of festive cheer. What better way than to spend it with all your chums in Dog River. 

As ever we here at Corner Gas Fan Corner are kicking off our annual Corner Gas Fun-A-Palooza with our Officially Unofficial Corner Gas Interactive Advent Calendar. This years theme is Every One can Sing at Christmas! 

Open up a different door every day to be given an awesome Dog River surprise. There's photos and Meme's galore to share with your loved ones, not so loved ones and people you really don't like at all. 

Fancy a sneeky peek at what's behind the door's all at once? Good luck with that one, you cheeky monkey you. All that's going to get you is on the fast track to Santa's Naughty Person List(TM). Try those shenanigans and no Barbie Municiple Car Park and Public Lavatory Playset for you this year. Every door has a time lock on it so you can only open them after the clock strikes midnight in your time zone. So you'll have to come back to this page every day to claim your surprise and therefore pushing up my reading figures massively over the month of December. I'm no Jackass! 

Anyway folk's here it is! Enjoy Fun-A-Palooza month!



  1. This is pretty cool Ian.

  2. Love it!! Ty Ian!!

  3. Luv it! from Vicki of Thunder Bay

  4. This is awesome, i hope there’s one with nothing but socks in it 😁

  5. Awesome Ian, great fun
