Wednesday 1 December 2021

The Officially Unofficial Interactive Corner Gas Advent Calendar 2021


It's finally here!! The moment we have been waiting for all year. It's Corner Gas Fan Corner's Crimbo Fun-a-palooza!!

It's going to be a veritable Christmas Cracker this year folks, because I have heard you have all been good boys and girls. Except you...yes know who you are. Those poor goldfish! For shame. 

We are going to have your favorite Yuletide, Dog River themed, fun. So keep coming back every week until the big day to see what gifts await you. 

As ever, we are kicking things off with your very own Corner Gas Interactive Advent Calendar. 

Come back to this page every day and click on that days date to get an awesome Corner Gas treat. This year I have hidden very special gifts behind two doors. 

Thinking of clicking ahead and seeing all the days all at once? Good luck with that Charlie Cheaty Cheaterson! All the doors are locked until the correct date in your time zone! You've got to get up early to catch out those Advent Internet Elves you know! 

Anyways. Here it is. Enjoy! Merry Christmas!


  1. Won't work on my phone. Boo hoo no Christmas for me.

    1. Hi Mark

      Sorry to hear that. If you switch to browser view it should work for you.

